Credit Union conferences can provide some of the best experiences in education that you may ever receive. Conferences present an opportunity to hear speakers on a wide range of topics related to your industry, all under one roof. This can be vital to your career continuing education. Staying informed on the latest regulatory requirements, for example, is a topic covered at most conferences. Beyond any doubt, attendance at credit union conferences should be a top priority for anyone who considers themselves a serious credit union owner.

The credit union conferences you should seek to attend.

1. CUNA Councils Conferences 

As most professionals in the credit union industry are aware, CUNA is the most popular association with over 120 million different members, 84% of the credit unions in the market are CUNA members. Their website provides a breadth of new trends and annual conferences to keep you informed and ready in your industry. The following are conference topics held in the past:

  • HR and organizational development for credit unions
  • Lending council 
  • Finance council

CUNA members receive up to 25% off on the conference fee. If you are considering quality information long-term, it would be wise to invest in a membership with such a trusted association in the industry. 

2. CCUA’s Annual Meeting & Convention

The Corporate Credit Union Associates bring you timely and vital information needed for survival in the credit union industry. As seen from 2020’s version of the conference, the focus was on how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of how Credit Union’s can serve its members. With a tagline of “Moving Forward Together,” they did just that with a virtual conference—designed to be accessible and safe. 

Every conference offers a variety of different surprises as well as Awards of Excellence. Visit their website for necessary details and directions for signing up for the conference. 

If you sign up, feel free to watch archived training found on their website from previous years. 

3. NAFCU Conferences 

Along with CUNA, NAFCU is a reputable name for conferences in the credit union industry. Not only is there a wide plethora of different conferences to choose from, but NAFCU also provides the most highly-rated and respected education opportunities in the credit union community. The following are resourceful topics held in the past for conferences: 

  • Lending:  Learning the best way to practice lending while minimizing your risks during this time of upheaval and economically trying times. 
  • Regulatory Compliance Seminar: Understand the BSA (The Bank Secrecy Act), and how you can remain in compliance at all times. Learn from experts in the field how to handle BSA and compliance challenges, with the opportunity to ask questions specific to your circumstances.
  • Risk Management Seminar: Learn how to structure a risk management program unique to your lending institution. Earn credits that show FinCen and NCUA that you are a serious professional, determined to mitigate the risks of loss at your credit union.

Whether you are wanting to present at these conferences or seek knowledge check out the conferences page to see updated pricing, registration, and dates. 

4. NCUMA Conferences

The National Credit Union Management Association hosts conferences for the esteemed and management professionals in the industry. The goal of the NCUMA conferences is to offer resources that “help build and sustain thriving Credit Unions.” Thriving businesses all start with great management. The following are invited to these specific annual conferences: 

  • CEO’s
  • Seasoned Directors
  • New Directors
  • Vice Presidents
  • COB’s
  • Supervisory Committee Members
  • Treasurers
  • Senior Management
  • Vice Chairmen
  • Marketing Directors
  • Operation Executives
  •  Consultants

Major issues discussed are insights for resolving issues inside credit unions and beyond the industry with Technology, Economy, Cultural & World Issues. 

The best part, no annual membership fees are required to visit these conferences in desirable locations. Watch their event calendar to plan a trip with your spouse to visit these popular locations and help your credit union succeed with the information provided at the NCUMA annual conferences. 

5. CU Conferences 

The Credit Union Conferences live up to their name. These conferences are meant to enable exceptional networking opportunities with others in the industry in favorable locations. Whether it be on a cruise ship or in different countries, you will learn the skills necessary for credit union growth and innovation. 


It is vital to continue your education when you work in banking. In fact, continuing education is required for compliance reasons. Your attendance at annual conferences will fulfill your credits and ensure that you continue to address the very real problems that impact credit unions and the lending industry.

The key to success is to plan ahead of time and determine the conferences that are most beneficial for your credit union. If you want to attend seminars but do not want to pay the membership fees, NCUMA conferences may be the best option for you. If you need networking opportunities and seminars that are specific to your innate problems consider membership with CUNA and attend their conferences. 

If money is tight for your credit union and you need assistance and knowledge in building your membership, consider a free set of membership and collaboration tools to help you reach your goals. Podium provides one seamless platform where you can text your current members and enhance your positive reviews. Increasing positive reviews can bring more membership and the Webchat feature transforms your website traffic into new members. Discover how your credit union can excel with Podium by signing up for free

Jeff Moss
Jeff Moss AVP of Financial Services Enterprise Sales

Jeff Moss is a credit union and bank professional at Podium, the leading messaging platform that connects financial institutions with their members and prospects.

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