Setting yourself apart from other companies can be difficult. Customer service and excellent company ethics are helpful when it comes to retaining customers and keeping them happy. The biggest factor, however, is doing the job that you are hired to do and doing it well.
Products for mosquito insecticide control are manufactured to reduce populations, impede their growth by targeting eggs, kill the adult insects, and growth inhibitors that prevent them from laying eggs. The best way to approach the issue, especially in climates prone to mosquitoes, is a multi-directional approach. Today, we’ll discuss several different methods and products that your company can use to get rid of mosquitos for your clients.
Targeting The Mosquito’s Environment
Educating clients about what environments welcome mosquitoes is important. Teach them to understand and help you do your job by ensuring there are no containers full of water sitting around the yard.
Also, the use of pesticides in many areas is regulated by Fish and Wildlife regulations because of fish kills and bird deaths. This is especially true in states like Florida. Make sure to know what is legal in your working area.
Why exterminators can’t stop recommending Thermacell
7 Common chemicals used in mosquito control include:
1. Malathion
This is yellowish to brown liquid that smells a bit like garlic. For pest applications, it generally comes mixed in 10% solvent of some sort. This product is considered very safe for humans and pets but can decimate honey bee populations. This should be taken into account when using the product. It is sprayed on surfaces, in and around houses and yards. It is often the best choice when trying to control other insects in addition to mosquito control. It can control mosquito populations as well as ticks, fleas, and ants. This makes it a good choice for all-around use.
2. Naled
Naled is a white solid that is typically dissolved in an organic liquid carrier. It will have a very pungent odor and come to you already mixed. It is most typically aerosolized and sprayed from trucks on the ground or from planes overhead. This is most commonly used in fogging large areas. It has been a regularly used product since the 1950s. Planes that spray crops are usually spraying with Naled. It is the most commonly used product for aerial mosquito control in the United States. It has been proven to be effective, especially in areas prone to Zika-carrying mosquito populations.
3. Phenothrin
This is a yellowish liquid that is non-corrosive and typically used as is. It is generally used as an additive in aerosols produced for pest control. This is a synthetic contact insecticide. It is used when resistance to other chemicals has become problematic. Very little resistance can be developed to Phenothrin. One drawback to using this product is that it should not be used around water where it could kill fish and shrimp populations. It was first registered with the EPA in 1974 and considered generally safe to use for spraying around homes, where pets reside, and even as a topical in some pet products.
4. Permethrin
This is a pale brown liquid that does not mix well with water. It can be mixed with oil-based creams, lotions, and other topical applications. It is mixed in shampoos used for head lice, for example. These products have been in use in the United States since 1979. They’ve been used on millions of acres in the US since then. It is the most commonly used pesticide because it is added to many household products, such as canned aerosols or misting systems for fleas, ants, mosquitoes, and even in head lice treatments. Pet products use permethrins and it rarely causes reactions. The EPA deems it safe for use in most situations.
5. Pyrethrin
This is typically in a solid or oil that doesn’t mix with water. It’s brown in color and is organic except when mixed with piperonyl butoxide, which increases the potency. Alone, as an organic choice, it makes a favorite amongst many of your clients. When given the choice, most of them will choose this method of treatment for those areas around their home. It kills moths, ants, mosquitoes, and flies. This makes it a fantastic choice to use in and around homes. Applications also do not need to be large. A small amount, placed strategically, will do the job. This makes it cost-effective for your company as well.
6. Temephos
This is a white-colored solid crystalline. When used on insects, it impacts the central nervous system to prevent them from living beyond the larval stage. It is not water-soluble and often used to treat water sources. It creates a film on top of the water that kills eggs and larva. This is an organophosphate that is only to be used by public health officials or those companies who are contracted through these agencies to be able to do so.
7. Methoprene
This is an insect growth regulator because it is a juvenile hormone analog. They don’t kill insects on contact. Instead, insect growth regulator products are meant to stop a mosquito larva or egg from maturing to an adult biting insect. Ir can be found as an additive in more than 500 insect treatment products around the world. These types of products, such as mosquito dunks, can be used in small ponds or stagnant water. They are considered safe for any wildlife or the family dog if they were to swim in it or have a drink. Methoprene products are useful when insects have developed a resistance to other products.
Using Several Products to Solve Problems
No single mosquito insecticide will solve the problem. The reason for this is that mosquitoes can move to a new spot to lay eggs easily. They will simply find a new stagnant water source because they are prolific breeders.
Killing adult mosquitoes with an insecticide for that purpose will do nothing about millions of eggs that are about to hatch into larva.
Mosquito control must be multifaceted to be successful. Using the right pesticide in the right way is key.
Treat standing water.
It must be eliminated or treated. Using metho[rene products is a great way to ensure that eggs don’t hatch. These need to be added each month when a technician visits the property. Clients can be advised to add these themselves by using the solids known as ‘dunks’ that are simply tossed into water. It is critical to ensure that enough of them are used for the size of the body of water though.
Treat adult mosquitoes.
One adult mosquito can lay 100 eggs up to three times before she dies. They lay eggs after getting a blood meal. As you can see, killing adults is essential for total control. Permethrin is often mixed with piperonyl butoxide, which is not an insecticide, to kill adults. Piperonyl butoxide is a man-made waxy substance that is often mixed with several pesticide products.
It has been found to enhance the potency and effectiveness of many mosquito control products. Piperonyl butoxide has been classified as a potential contributing cause of cancer, so should always be handled with care. Ensure that your teams are using proper protection and only using these products according to the guidelines given by the manufacturers. Permethrin will continue working between visits to kill mosquitoes, creting a wall of protection around the property.
Treat large outdoor areas.
Using foggers on larger areas or adding attractive sugar bait traps that can be placed on larger pieces of property will give even more added protection from adult mosquitoes. By attracting, catching, and killing mosquitoes on the entire property, you can reduce the number that make to your next wall of defence in step number 2.
Hitting the mosquito at all phases of its life cycle is the key to lowering the impact of these highly parasitic insects. You will never kill them all, but you can drastically reduce populations by educating your clients and creating a plan that treats all life stages of the mosquitoes in and around their home.
Maximizing Your Success
When your teams are taking this multifaceted approach, you’re sure to have pleased customers who recommend you and review you highly for your thorough approach to controlling their mosquito populations.
Pleased customers are essential to maximizing profits and growing your business. You’ll also gain the reputation of being the company that can solve the problem, no matter how bad it is. Using the right pesticide or insecticide will also ensure that you are lowering your expenses every month as well.
Finally, setting yourself apart from local competitors is important. Doing the work of the multifaceted approach will gain the quickest and most thorough results for your customers. You will give them tangible results by enabling them to enjoy their yards all summer long by using products that will continue working long after your technician has been and gone.