The Challenge

From barbecues to bar mitzvahs, On Call Event Rentals provides lighting, decor, and more to hundreds of celebrations across Southern California every year. But as business grew, communication for their customers and coworkers became headache-inducing. Planning a party for 100 is hard. Trying to plan that same party between texts, phone calls, emails and more was nearly impossible. The team at On Call Event Rentals knew they needed a scalable communication platform that kept customers happy and coworkers on the same page.

The Solution

On Call Event Rentals decided to put phone tag on hold and test Podium’s Messenger Platform. “We were already using Reviews, so Messenger,” said Cedric, “made perfect sense.” Soon after the initial test, every single employee was using Podium. Today, every customer interaction is managed through Webchat and the Messenger Platform. Internally and externally Podium is streamlining communication at On Call Event Rentals.

The Result

When it comes to planning big events with lots of moving parts, the team at On Call Event Rentals doesn’t sweat it anymore. “Thanks to Podium we don’t spend 20 minutes on the phone, now we get replies in 20 seconds.” says Cedric. Even the delivery drivers at On Call Event Rentals use Podium to coordinate deliveries, document customer preferences and send review invites. Customers can find On Call Event Rentals from Reviews, connect via Webchat and plan every last detail with the Messenger Platform. “And that happens every day.” said Cedric.